Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import collections
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from warnings import warn

import six
import regex as re
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

from dateparser.date_parser import date_parser
from dateparser.freshness_date_parser import freshness_date_parser
from dateparser.languages.loader import LocaleDataLoader
from dateparser.conf import apply_settings
from dateparser.timezone_parser import pop_tz_offset_from_string
from dateparser.utils import apply_timezone_from_settings, \

    u'\N{RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK}',     # u'\u2019'
    u'\N{MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE}',      # u'\u02bc'
    u'\N{MODIFIER LETTER TURNED COMMA}',    # u'\u02bb'
    u'\N{ARMENIAN APOSTROPHE}',             # u'\u055a'
    u'\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER SALTILLO}',     # u'\ua78c'
    u'\N{PRIME}',                           # u'\u2032'
    u'\N{REVERSED PRIME}',                  # u'\u2035'
    u'\N{MODIFIER LETTER PRIME}',           # u'\u02b9'
    u'\N{FULLWIDTH APOSTROPHE}',            # u'\uff07'

RE_NBSP = re.compile(u'\xa0', flags=re.UNICODE)
RE_SPACES = re.compile(r'\s+')
RE_TRIM_SPACES = re.compile(r'^\s+(\S.*?)\s+$')
RE_TRIM_COLONS = re.compile(r'(\S.*?):*$')

RE_SANITIZE_SKIP = re.compile(r'\t|\n|\r|\u00bb|,\s\u0432|\u200e|\xb7|\u200f|\u064e|\u064f', flags=re.M)
RE_SANITIZE_RUSSIAN = re.compile(r'([\W\d])\u0433\.', flags=re.I | re.U)
RE_SANITIZE_PERIOD = re.compile(r'(?<=\D+)\.', flags=re.U)
RE_SANITIZE_ON = re.compile(r'^.*?on:\s+(.*)')

RE_SEARCH_TIMESTAMP = re.compile(r'^(\d{10})(\d{3})?(\d{3})?(?![^.])')

[docs]def sanitize_spaces(date_string): date_string = RE_NBSP.sub(' ', date_string) date_string = RE_SPACES.sub(' ', date_string) date_string = RE_TRIM_SPACES.sub(r'\1', date_string) return date_string
[docs]def date_range(begin, end, **kwargs): dateutil_error_prone_args = ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'] for arg in dateutil_error_prone_args: if arg in kwargs: raise ValueError("Invalid argument: %s" % arg) step = relativedelta(**kwargs) if kwargs else relativedelta(days=1) date = begin while date < end: yield date date += step # handles edge-case when iterating months and last interval is < 30 days if kwargs.get('months', 0) > 0 and (date.year, date.month) == (end.year, end.month): yield end
[docs]def get_intersecting_periods(low, high, period='day'): if period not in ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond']: raise ValueError("Invalid period: {}".format(period)) if high <= low: return step = relativedelta(**{period + 's': 1}) current_period_start = low if isinstance(current_period_start, datetime): reset_arguments = {} for test_period in ['microsecond', 'second', 'minute', 'hour']: if test_period == period: break else: reset_arguments[test_period] = 0 current_period_start = current_period_start.replace(**reset_arguments) if period == 'week': current_period_start \ = current_period_start - timedelta(days=current_period_start.weekday()) elif period == 'month': current_period_start = current_period_start.replace(day=1) elif period == 'year': current_period_start = current_period_start.replace(month=1, day=1) while current_period_start < high: yield current_period_start current_period_start += step
[docs]def sanitize_date(date_string): date_string = RE_SANITIZE_SKIP.sub(' ', date_string) date_string = RE_SANITIZE_RUSSIAN.sub(r'\1 ', date_string) # remove u'г.' (Russian for year) but not in words date_string = sanitize_spaces(date_string) date_string = RE_SANITIZE_PERIOD.sub('', date_string) date_string = RE_SANITIZE_ON.sub(r'\1', date_string) date_string = RE_TRIM_COLONS.sub(r'\1', date_string) date_string = RE_SANITIZE_APOSTROPHE.sub(u"'", date_string) return date_string
[docs]def get_date_from_timestamp(date_string, settings): match = if match: seconds = int( millis = int( or 0) micros = int( or 0) date_obj = datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds) date_obj = date_obj.replace(microsecond=millis * 1000 + micros) date_obj = apply_timezone_from_settings(date_obj, settings) return date_obj
[docs]def parse_with_formats(date_string, date_formats, settings): """ Parse with formats and return a dictionary with 'period' and 'obj_date'. :returns: :class:`datetime.datetime`, dict or None """ if isinstance(date_formats, six.string_types): warn(_DateLocaleParser.DATE_FORMATS_ERROR_MESSAGE, FutureWarning) date_formats = [date_formats] period = 'day' for date_format in date_formats: try: date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_string, date_format) except ValueError: continue else: if '%d' not in date_format: period = 'month' date_obj = set_correct_day_from_settings(date_obj, settings) if not ('%y' in date_format or '%Y' in date_format): today = date_obj = date_obj.replace(year=today.year) date_obj = apply_timezone_from_settings(date_obj, settings) return {'date_obj': date_obj, 'period': period} else: return {'date_obj': None, 'period': period}
class _DateLocaleParser(object): DATE_FORMATS_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Date formats should be list, tuple or set of strings" def __init__(self, locale, date_string, date_formats, settings=None): self._settings = settings if isinstance(date_formats, six.string_types): warn(self.DATE_FORMATS_ERROR_MESSAGE, FutureWarning) date_formats = [date_formats] elif not (date_formats is None or isinstance(date_formats, (list, tuple, set))): raise TypeError(self.DATE_FORMATS_ERROR_MESSAGE) self.locale = locale self.date_string = date_string self.date_formats = date_formats self._translated_date = None self._translated_date_with_formatting = None self._parsers = { 'timestamp': self._try_timestamp, 'relative-time': self._try_freshness_parser, 'custom-formats': self._try_given_formats, 'absolute-time': self._try_parser, 'base-formats': self._try_hardcoded_formats, } unknown_parsers = set(self._settings.PARSERS) - set(self._parsers.keys()) if unknown_parsers: raise ValueError( 'Unknown parsers found in the PARSERS setting: {}'.format( ', '.join(sorted(unknown_parsers)) ) ) @classmethod def parse(cls, locale, date_string, date_formats=None, settings=None): instance = cls(locale, date_string, date_formats, settings) return instance._parse() def _parse(self): for parser_name in self._settings.PARSERS: date_obj = self._parsers[parser_name]() if self._is_valid_date_obj(date_obj): return date_obj else: return None def _try_timestamp(self): return { 'date_obj': get_date_from_timestamp(self.date_string, self._settings), 'period': 'day', } def _try_freshness_parser(self): try: return freshness_date_parser.get_date_data(self._get_translated_date(), self._settings) except (OverflowError, ValueError): return None def _try_parser(self): _order = self._settings.DATE_ORDER try: if self._settings.PREFER_LOCALE_DATE_ORDER: if 'DATE_ORDER' not in self._settings._mod_settings: self._settings.DATE_ORDER ='date_order', _order) date_obj, period = date_parser.parse( self._get_translated_date(), settings=self._settings) self._settings.DATE_ORDER = _order return { 'date_obj': date_obj, 'period': period, } except ValueError: self._settings.DATE_ORDER = _order return None def _try_given_formats(self): if not self.date_formats: return return parse_with_formats( self._get_translated_date_with_formatting(), self.date_formats, settings=self._settings ) def _try_hardcoded_formats(self): hardcoded_date_formats = [ '%B %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S %p', '%b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p', '%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S', '%A, %B %d, %Y', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' ] try: return parse_with_formats( self._get_translated_date_with_formatting(), hardcoded_date_formats, settings=self._settings ) except TypeError: return None def _get_translated_date(self): if self._translated_date is None: self._translated_date = self.locale.translate( self.date_string, keep_formatting=False, settings=self._settings) return self._translated_date def _get_translated_date_with_formatting(self): if self._translated_date_with_formatting is None: self._translated_date_with_formatting = self.locale.translate( self.date_string, keep_formatting=True, settings=self._settings) return self._translated_date_with_formatting def _is_valid_date_obj(self, date_obj): if not isinstance(date_obj, dict): return False if len(date_obj) != 2: return False if 'date_obj' not in date_obj or 'period' not in date_obj: return False if not date_obj['date_obj']: return False if date_obj['period'] not in ('time', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'): return False return True
[docs]class DateDataParser(object): """ Class which handles language detection, translation and subsequent generic parsing of string representing date and/or time. :param languages: A list of language codes, e.g. ['en', 'es', 'zh-Hant']. If locales are not given, languages and region are used to construct locales for translation. :type languages: list :param locales: A list of locale codes, e.g. ['fr-PF', 'qu-EC', 'af-NA']. The parser uses locales to translate date string. :type locales: list :param region: A region code, e.g. 'IN', '001', 'NE'. If locales are not given, languages and region are used to construct locales for translation. :type region: str|unicode :param try_previous_locales: If True, locales previously used to translate date are tried first. :type try_previous_locales: bool :param use_given_order: If True, locales are tried for translation of date string in the order in which they are given. :type use_given_order: bool :param settings: Configure customized behavior using settings defined in :mod:`dateparser.conf.Settings`. :type settings: dict :return: A parser instance :raises: ValueError - Unknown Language, TypeError - Languages argument must be a list """ locale_loader = None @apply_settings def __init__(self, languages=None, locales=None, region=None, try_previous_locales=True, use_given_order=False, settings=None): if not isinstance(languages, (list, tuple, set)) and languages is not None: raise TypeError("languages argument must be a list (%r given)" % type(languages)) if not isinstance(locales, (list, tuple, set)) and locales is not None: raise TypeError("locales argument must be a list (%r given)" % type(locales)) if not isinstance(region, six.string_types) and region is not None: raise TypeError("region argument must be str or unicode (%r given)" % type(region)) if not isinstance(try_previous_locales, bool): raise TypeError("try_previous_locales argument must be a boolean (%r given)" % type(try_previous_locales)) if not isinstance(use_given_order, bool): raise TypeError("use_given_order argument must be a boolean (%r given)" % type(use_given_order)) if not locales and use_given_order: raise ValueError("locales must be given if use_given_order is True") self._settings = settings self.try_previous_locales = try_previous_locales self.use_given_order = use_given_order self.languages = languages self.locales = locales self.region = region self.previous_locales = set()
[docs] def get_date_data(self, date_string, date_formats=None): """ Parse string representing date and/or time in recognizable localized formats. Supports parsing multiple languages and timezones. :param date_string: A string representing date and/or time in a recognizably valid format. :type date_string: str|unicode :param date_formats: A list of format strings using directives as given `here <>`_. The parser applies formats one by one, taking into account the detected languages. :type date_formats: list :return: a dict mapping keys to :mod:`datetime.datetime` object and *period*. For example: {'date_obj': datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 1, 0, 0), 'period': u'day'} :raises: ValueError - Unknown Language .. note:: *Period* values can be a 'day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'. *Period* represents the granularity of date parsed from the given string. In the example below, since no day information is present, the day is assumed to be current day ``16`` from *current date* (which is June 16, 2015, at the moment of writing this). Hence, the level of precision is ``month``: >>> DateDataParser().get_date_data(u'March 2015') {'date_obj': datetime.datetime(2015, 3, 16, 0, 0), 'period': u'month'} Similarly, for date strings with no day and month information present, level of precision is ``year`` and day ``16`` and month ``6`` are from *current_date*. >>> DateDataParser().get_date_data(u'2014') {'date_obj': datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 16, 0, 0), 'period': u'year'} Dates with time zone indications or UTC offsets are returned in UTC time unless specified using `Settings`_. >>> DateDataParser().get_date_data(u'23 March 2000, 1:21 PM CET') {'date_obj': datetime.datetime(2000, 3, 23, 14, 21), 'period': 'day'} """ if not(isinstance(date_string, six.text_type) or isinstance(date_string, six.string_types)): raise TypeError('Input type must be str or unicode') if isinstance(date_string, bytes): date_string = date_string.decode('utf-8') res = parse_with_formats(date_string, date_formats or [], self._settings) if res['date_obj']: return res date_string = sanitize_date(date_string) for locale in self._get_applicable_locales(date_string): parsed_date = _DateLocaleParser.parse( locale, date_string, date_formats, settings=self._settings) if parsed_date: parsed_date['locale'] = locale.shortname if self.try_previous_locales: self.previous_locales.add(locale) return parsed_date else: return {'date_obj': None, 'period': 'day', 'locale': None}
[docs] def get_date_tuple(self, *args, **kwargs): date_tuple = collections.namedtuple('DateData', 'date_obj period locale') date_data = self.get_date_data(*args, **kwargs) return date_tuple(**date_data)
def _get_applicable_locales(self, date_string): pop_tz_cache = [] def date_strings(): """ A generator instead of a static list to avoid calling pop_tz_offset_from_string if the first locale matches on unmodified date_string. """ yield date_string if not pop_tz_cache: stripped_date_string, _ = pop_tz_offset_from_string( date_string, as_offset=False) if stripped_date_string == date_string: stripped_date_string = None pop_tz_cache[:] = [stripped_date_string] stripped_date_string, = pop_tz_cache if stripped_date_string is not None: yield stripped_date_string if self.try_previous_locales: for locale in self.previous_locales: for s in date_strings(): if self._is_applicable_locale(locale, s): yield locale for locale in self._get_locale_loader().get_locales( languages=self.languages, locales=self.locales, region=self.region, use_given_order=self.use_given_order): for s in date_strings(): if self._is_applicable_locale(locale, s): yield locale def _is_applicable_locale(self, locale, date_string): return locale.is_applicable( date_string, strip_timezone=False, # it is stripped outside settings=self._settings) @classmethod def _get_locale_loader(cls): if not cls.locale_loader: cls.locale_loader = LocaleDataLoader() return cls.locale_loader