Source code for dateparser.date_parser

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import six

from tzlocal import get_localzone

from .timezone_parser import pop_tz_offset_from_string
from .utils import strip_braces, apply_timezone, localize_timezone
from .conf import apply_settings
from .parser import parse

[docs]class DateParser(object):
[docs] @apply_settings def parse(self, date_string, settings=None): date_string = six.text_type(date_string) if not date_string.strip(): raise ValueError("Empty string") date_string = strip_braces(date_string) date_string, ptz = pop_tz_offset_from_string(date_string) date_obj, period = parse(date_string, settings=settings) _settings_tz = settings.TIMEZONE.lower() if ptz: date_obj = ptz.localize(date_obj) if 'local' not in _settings_tz: date_obj = apply_timezone(date_obj, settings.TIMEZONE) else: if 'local' in _settings_tz: stz = get_localzone() date_obj = stz.localize(date_obj) else: date_obj = localize_timezone(date_obj, settings.TIMEZONE) if settings.TO_TIMEZONE: date_obj = apply_timezone(date_obj, settings.TO_TIMEZONE) if ( not settings.RETURN_AS_TIMEZONE_AWARE or (settings.RETURN_AS_TIMEZONE_AWARE and 'default' == settings.RETURN_AS_TIMEZONE_AWARE and not ptz) ): date_obj = date_obj.replace(tzinfo=None) return date_obj, period
date_parser = DateParser()